Monday, September 11, 2006

you're an obsession

I'm starting to feel that I've gotten about all I'm going to get out of Evil Editor. It has been instructive and constructive to observe both EE and his 'minions' hold forth on the topic of writing. I really do think I'm a better writer for it. Too often I write in a total vacuum, showing my writing only to a few close friends who are not writers. So exposure to other writers and even a real live editor - invaluable.

But. Where a certain amount of criticism is freeing, too much can be paralyzing. My own inner critic is quite harsh enough, so often stopping my writing in its tracks to suggest that I not quit my day job. He doesn't need to be augmented with the suggestions of others. What I need to do is buckle down seriously to the business of writing.

So I'm going to try and cut down on hitting EE's blog every ten minutes. It will be hard, mostly because I have a slow job with an internet connection and I generally need some site to keep my occupied. But I think it's definitely time to find something else, as far as that goes.

I don't know if I will stick around here or not. Not sure that there are enough readers to justify it, although I've certainly enjoyed meeting everyone who has dropped by! That's been a real highlight of EE's blog, meeting some cool people who are also writers. But do more than three people read this? That's the real question. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you've been 'lurking' and you enjoy reading this - do me a favor? comment and let me know?

I do like writing about writing. I suspect it's the ultimate device for avoiding actual writing, but still. And it's not like I'm going to get any actual writing done at work. They might frown on that.


Blogger Evil Editor said...

I haven't been lurking, it's my first time here, but I must insist that you cut back to every two or three hours. Every ten minutes, and my counter only counts you once. Every two hours, and you get counted each time, making me look more popular.

9:17 PM  
Blogger braun said...

Hmm, I guess I'm not the only person with a work internet connection... you know it really doesn't count anyway if half your hits are your own. ;)

8:50 AM  
Blogger writtenwyrdd said...

EE's blog and other sites like it are useful, but not if you are hanging out there all day. That's sort of like paranoia hash for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A writer needs that carefully nurtured bubble of delusion to keep writing. Too much critiquing will cause self doubt in most of us.

11:59 PM  

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